Lucky Liar Page 16
“No, I want to be with you. I just wanted to make sure you are absolutely certain before I told you this.”
“Told me what?”
“Well, those tests they ran on me were way higher tech than I ever expected.”
“What do you mean?”
“Remember when you made that mistake with me a few days ago?”
“Like I’d ever forget.”
Zoe smiled up at him. “Well, their fancy tests could already tell. I’m pregnant.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be exhausted?”
“I don’t know,” said Zoe honestly. She supposed on some level she was exhausted. Her mind and body could hardly even comprehend what just happened. But she couldn’t stop staring at the little girl swaddled in her arms.
Was it possible to be exhausted and hyper all at the same time? Was it possible to be awake and in a dream all at once? That’s what this felt like.
On one hand, it felt like real life didn’t exist, and on the other, she felt too lucky for it to be real. And not just the money and status that came with him. Just him. Every time he looked at her, every time he said her name, every time he touched her, she knew exactly how much he loved her. And now that she was holding little Emma Rose in her arms and studying her face so intently until she could decipher which one of them each of her tiny little features came from, she understood exactly how lucky she was.
Did everyone feel this way? Was it just her prior loss that made her appreciate this so much? Was it how lucky she was to have Wade with her that made it all that much more special? She might never know the answer to any of those questions, but she would just be grateful for the moment that she had. This perfect little moment, with this perfect little girl and this perfect man.
“All right, that’s enough. Hand her over.”
Zoe looked at Wade with wide, horrified eyes. “No! I’m not done.”
“You’ll never be done. Let me hold her, and you just close your eyes. If sleep doesn’t come, it doesn’t come. You have to at least try.” When she made no motion to hand the little girl over, he let out a defeated sigh. “Move over a little bit,” he ordered as he started to scoot into the small hospital bed.
She still didn’t like being ordered around, but she was eager to have Wade even closer to her. She was certain the bed wouldn’t be comfortable with both of them on it, but she wasn’t about to turn him away. She scooted over as far as she could to allow him access, holding Emma carefully in her arms. Once he was settled, he reached out and gently placed his arms around Emma. “This way I can hold her and you’ll still be in bed. Happy compromise?”
She supposed that was fair enough. Reluctantly, she took her arms away and let him take on the tiny weight while her heart immediately melted. Seeing her big, strong, sometimes scary husband holding their little piece of perfection might be the most adorable thing she’d ever seen. Wade was so careful with her, making sure to support the head as he moved her closer to his chest. She knew that he’d been trying to seem strong and confident for her during the pregnancy, but she noticed all of the parenting books on his e-reader. He might be more prepared for this child than some of the doctors were in the hospital. She smiled over him, and he smiled back. She couldn’t help but ask, “What are you thinking right now?”
He leaned forward and bumped his forehead with hers, taking a moment to breathe. “I was thinking that this is perfect.”
***THE END***
Lucky Girl
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Coming October 25th, 2018!
Luck has never been on her side. But everything will change when she meets the one man she can’t control. He could be the best thing that’s ever happened to her or destroy everything she’s ever worked for. Either way, the game will be fun…
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Check out all of Mallory Crowe’s Books!
Lucky Alphas Series
Lucky Liar
Lucky Girl
Billionaires In The City Series
Teaching The Boss
Teasing The Boss
Tempting The Boss
Devereaux Billionaires Series
Touching Jace
Trusting Michael
Testing Luke
Taming Rourke
Fractured Farrells; A Damaged Billionaire Series
The Stolen Hearts Series
The Cocky Thief
The Beautiful Thief
The Dangerous Thief
The Reluctant Thief
The Vengeful Thief
The Cunning Thief
The Deadly Thief
The Arrogant Thief