The Christmas Heist_A Stolen Hearts Novella Page 5
Austin and Jennifer were still high from their victory as they stumbled into their apartment, giggling as they thought of how they had escaped capture. Sure, it hadn’t been the hardest heist or the most complicated one, but it had been their first in a while and it had been fantastic. For almost the entire drive home, Austin hadn’t let go of Jennifer’s hand, and at this point, he was thinking he never wanted to let her go. Pretty much par for the course.
But the elation was cut short as the lights flicked on and there was Toni, glaring angrily at both of them, with her hands on her hips. “Where the hell have you two been?”
They both straightened, their giggling rapidly disappearing as they remembered that they were grown-ass adults. “We were... we were on a date,” said Jennifer.
Even Austin didn’t believe that one. He tried changing the subject. “Where is Lucy? I wanted to say good night.”
“Lucy is sleeping, and you’re damn well not going to wake her up this late at night. No, you two tell me where you were, and don’t let me catch you in a lie.”
Jennifer and Austin exchanged a glance. Lying to Toni was tricky. She had a bad habit of knowing the answers to questions before she asked. He gave Jennifer a little nod, signaling that the truth was probably better. She took a deep breath. “I think you know where we were. I saw a good deed that needed to be done, and I was able to do that good deed. Isn’t that what you and Scott are trying to do?”
Toni’s lips were so tight, but he could see her eyes soften the slightest bit. All she wanted was for her family to support her and Scott and their new do-gooder business. And despite their many other reasons, Austin and Jennifer had noble reasons when they started this heist.
“Yes, I do want you to help me. But I want you to help me on my terms. Not the terms of some stranger we know nothing about.”
“We know some things about him,” said Austin. “I checked into his story. Lily Reinheart does a lot of good things for charity, philanthropy... pretty much everything. She was cut out of her father’s will, and the executor of the estate was donating the Cypher to some charity that has almost no records.”
Toni nodded, but he could tell she wasn’t agreeing with them. “Yes, Lily Reinheart does have a lot of philanthropy connections. You want to know who else has a lot of philanthropy connections?” Jennifer and Austin were both quiet. “Every other heiress, that’s who!” yelled Toni. “Lily was cut out of her father’s will two years ago when she and her boyfriend tried to poison the guy.”
Austin frowned. “No. I did thorough research. I didn’t hear anything about that.”
“Of course you didn’t. They’re rich. They don’t want anybody knowing about their dirty laundry. That doesn’t mean he was going to leave one single cent to that greedy bitch. And do you want to know who the boyfriend at the time was?”
He could feel the tension creeping into him and Jennifer. “Please don’t tell me it was Graves.”
“Ding ding ding,” said Toni. “Now, do you want to know why the orphan charity doesn’t have a lot of records?”
“Not really,” muttered Jennifer.
“It’s because children don’t always need to be found easily by people who mean them harm. Charities that deal with children do not have easy-to-access records. Not to mention that nonprofits aren’t exactly known for being great with paperwork. You just stole from a really good foundation tonight for a murdering bitch.”
“Hey!” said Jennifer. “We still have the Cypher. We weren’t going to give it to anybody until we had your approval. We just wanted to....” She drifted off, and Austin knew exactly what was tripping her up
“We just wanted to get back out there,” said Austin. “We didn’t need a good reason. We needed any reason. It wasn’t about the job, it wasn’t about Graves, it wasn’t about children, and it wasn’t about some heiress we felt bad for. We just wanted to work again.”
Toni nodded. “Okay. Scott and I will get you working again, don’t worry. Tomorrow, you are both heading to that orphanage and handing over that Cypher to the people it belongs to. Understand?”
Austin and Jennifer both looked at the ground sheepishly. “Yes, ma’am.”
1 Year Later
“It’s too cold for this,” said Austin in an annoyed voice as he balanced Lucy in his arms
Jennifer knew it wasn’t actually too cold. The real problem was that Lucy was now the age where she could walk and never wanted to be held. But it happened to be cold enough that she liked being near them for warmth. So she was currently struggling in his arms to be set down, but they knew from previous experience over the last ten minutes that if they did put her down, she would immediately want to be picked up again.
“Do you want me to take her?” she offered.
“No,” he said quickly. “This is Lucy and me time, remember?”
She very much remembered how Lucy had so sweetly gone up to Daddy and asked if he would take her. Austin had been working really hard to make sure he was established as the “fun” parent. Jennifer was too amused by his efforts to stop him. Lucy was destined to be a daddy’s girl no matter what she did. So she wouldn’t get in the way of nature. But seeing him fight with Lucy in his arms still gave her a special little thrill.
“Besides,” he said.. “Your sister called us here. You should be the one handling her.”
They’d been talking to her sister pretty regularly—they’d been doing jobs for her over the past year—but for some reason today Toni had been especially cagey. She’d just given them an address and a time. No other information. But Toni had never been an easy one to pin down. The most confusing thing about this odd request was that Toni had asked them to bring Lucy as well. Austin had grumbled about not wanting to bring Lucy into an unknown situation, but Toni knew the both of them were suckers for a mystery.
Jennifer pulled her coat tighter against her, silently agreeing about the cold. Lucy was bundled up in the brand-new pink and white jacket, gloves, and scarf she’d gotten as a gift from Santa. It was especially fun because it was the first time Lucy truly realized what Christmas was on some level. Jennifer had appreciated that Lucy had gotten excited about clothes as well as toys. At least for a few years she’d be easy to shop for.
She knew they were in the right location, because she saw Toni standing on the edge of the street. Toni was scrolling through her phone, never one to be away from technology for long. Jennifer and Austin quickened their steps, in sync with each other, as they approached her. When Toni finally looked up, Jennifer waved. Toni nodded in acknowledgment but didn’t seem overly excited see them.
“Okay,” said Jennifer when she approached. “We’re here. What’s all this about?”
Toni shook her head as though annoyed with questions. “Jennifer, it’s Christmas time. I’m here to give Lucy her present.”
“A present in the middle of Brooklyn?” asked Austin skeptically.
Toni groaned and pointed to the building they were standing in front of. “There. Look.”
Jennifer and Austin, along with Lucy his arms, both turned to see what Toni was pointing at. A small, nondescript sign on the brownstone in front of them immediately drew their attention. “Lucy and Isobel Murray Foundation?” said Austin and Jennifer at the same time.
“Yeah,” said Toni as she stepped in line with the two of them. I thought about telling you earlier, but I wanted to make it a surprise. The sign just came up week ago, so I figured why not roll it into Christmas?”
“I don’t understand,” said Austin. “What is this?”
“Well before you two geniuses went to give back the Cypher, I made a private deal with them. Basically to make sure you wouldn’t get arrested.”
“Oh no. Did you threaten them?” asked Jennifer.
Toni scoffed. “No! I bribed them. With lots and lots of money. Anyway, it was enough to open up the separate operation. It helps families in need with young children get aid. Make sure the kids have after school programs, food for lunches, lots of stuff like t
hat. I thought of a good legacy for our family.”
Jennifer looked at that small, nondescript sign and held back a tear. Isobel would’ve hated it. She would’ve wanted a statue or some other ornate monument to her awesomeness. But to Jennifer, this little tribute was perfect.
Austin wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close, leaning in to kiss at the little tear trailing down her cheek. “Merry Christmas,” he said softly.
Lucy was never one to pass up a good hug, and she leaned in, cuddling into the moment.
“Oh no,” said Toni next to them. “I didn’t make you sad, did I?”
Jennifer shook her head and leaned on Austin’s shoulder, wiping away the tear. “No,” she said honestly. “I’m just really happy.”
~~~THE END~~~
Coming January 2018!
Don't believe a word he says.
Don't look in his eyes.
Don't let him inside.
And whatever you do, don't kiss him.
The next thing you know, Tristan will take everything you own. And Shae is about to find out exactly how dangerous it can be to trust the Cunning Thief.
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Check out all of Mallory Crowe's Books!
Billionaires In The City Series
Teaching The Boss
Teasing The Boss
Tempting The Boss
Devereaux Billionaires Series
Touching Jace
Trusting Michael
Testing Luke
Taming Rourke
Fractured Farrells; A Damaged Billionaire Series
The Stolen Hearts Series
The Cocky Thief
The Beautiful Thief
The Dangerous Thief
The Reluctant Thief
The Vengeful Thief
The Cunning Thief